React — how to make animation with CSS transition property

Dirask React
2 min readMar 19, 2021


Hi there! 👋😊

In this article, I would like to show you how to make an animated rotating square in React using transition property. ⏭

Before we start, I would highly recommend you to check out the runnable example for the solution on our website:
React — how to make animation with CSS transition property

Final effect:

Below example presents three style objects:

  • normalStyle which is the default style of our div element,
  • transformedStyle which is transformed style of our div element,
  • buttonStyle which is style of our button element.

The styles of our div have transition value set to '1s'. It means our component will change it's property values smoothly, over a given duration (over 1s). Additional transform parameter describes moving of an element. In our case transform rotates the element during 2s.

Practical example:

You can run this example here

📝 Note:
If the duration is not specified, the transition will have no effect, because the default value is

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